我的一生人 林保華
一生人﹐可以是不同地方﹑各種各樣的人﹐我尤其是這樣的人。 我出生在中國重慶使朋友誤會我是中國重慶人﹐其實是中國福建人。原因老爸是 福建人﹐老媽卻是上海出生的滿州人﹐所以命中註定我不可能做純粹中國人﹐而 是雲遊四方的雜種人。別看不起雜種人﹐未來中國的總書記可能就是雜種人。(粵 語“習總”諧音“雜種”。)

目前分類:English (252)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2024-06-16 The consequences of war for China (18) (0)
2024-06-10 Taiwan’s successful tech industry (20) (0)
2024-05-19 DPP should work with some TPP lawmakers (9) (0)
2024-04-26 China remains a serious challenge (10) (0)
2024-04-10 US is still affirming Taiwan’s sovereignty (25) (0)
2024-03-31 ‘Bumbler’ Ma set to go to China (5) (0)
2024-03-05 TSMC’s expansion win for Taiwan (10) (0)
2024-02-26 Chinese President Xi’s self-deception (17) (0)
2024-01-29 Legislature speakership predictions (2) (0)
2023-12-03 Abysmal financial decline of Hong Kong (10) (0)
2023-11-02 Taiwan’s opposition and Beijing (2) (0)
2023-11-01 Ma Ying-jeou shows true colors (3) (0)
2023-10-16 Look to India on Chinese infiltration (2) (0)
2023-08-21 Cracks in China’s debt-ridden economy (23) (0)
2023-07-01 Economy up despite trade woes with China (18) (0)
2023-06-11 Hou You-yi receives tepid KMT support (29) (0)
2023-05-31 The KMT is at critical crossroads (21) (0)
2023-05-01 A Chinese occupation would harm the world (39) (0)
2023-03-30 Allies unite against communism (34) (0)
2023-03-14 Where ex-generals’ loyalties lie (22) (0)
2023-03-04 KMT laying ground for a new 228 (37) (0)
2022-12-29 Oppose the CCP, but do not mention China itself (21) (0)
2022-11-01 Xi Jinping sees Taiwan as vital to his legacy (34) (0)
2022-10-19 High tech and China decoupling (38) (0)
2022-05-30 China paved way for Biden’s pledge (23) (0)
2022-03-30 Beijing shirks HK responsibility (36) (0)
2022-01-20 DPP must not become too confident (19) (0)
2021-11-10 US-China ties have Taiwan at core (26) (0)
2021-10-27 Honesty can aid transitional justice (24) (0)
2021-08-31 Will Taiwanese defend themselves? (40) (0)
2021-08-12 Fighting the traitors’ call to arms (44) (0)
2021-04-24 Learning from China’s diplomacy (35) (0)
2021-01-03 Defend against the CCP or perish (36) (0)
2020-12-02 Trumpism is not going anywhere (51) (1)
2020-09-25 Mongolia might be Xi’s next target (27) (0)
2020-09-04 China’s reaction to US-Taiwan ties (40) (0)
2020-08-14 Facing the nation’s enemy within (47) (0)
2020-07-26 A storm is brewing in the CCP politburo (52) (0)
2020-06-04 Taiwan, HK are global concerns (33) (0)
2020-03-29 China uses US to cover its role in pandemic (35) (0)
2020-03-23 Xi’s enemies grow bolder as missteps continue (57) (0)
2020-03-10 Xi Jinping, pestilence and plague of locusts (42) (0)
2020-02-25 Xi and Tedros are asking too much (73) (0)
2019-12-02 Pro-China parties must be rejected (33) (0)
2019-11-02 Warding off CCP’s ‘underground’ (19) (0)
2019-10-02 HK’s official reaction crippling a generation (37) (0)
2019-09-22 Election focus is on beating Tsai (25) (0)
2019-08-27 HK police are loyal to China, not the public (55) (0)
2019-08-06 Hong Kong police and gangsters (52) (0)
2019-06-25 HK protests need West’s support (56) (0)