我的一生人 林保華
一生人﹐可以是不同地方﹑各種各樣的人﹐我尤其是這樣的人。 我出生在中國重慶使朋友誤會我是中國重慶人﹐其實是中國福建人。原因老爸是 福建人﹐老媽卻是上海出生的滿州人﹐所以命中註定我不可能做純粹中國人﹐而 是雲遊四方的雜種人。別看不起雜種人﹐未來中國的總書記可能就是雜種人。(粵 語“習總”諧音“雜種”。)

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If only our president were more like Sarkozy

By Paul Lin 林保華

Saturday, Dec 13, 2008, Page 8

Ignoring Chinese complaints, French President Nicolas Sarkozy met the Dalai Lama in Poland last Saturday. Sarkozy was also the first sitting president of the EU to meet the spiritual leader.

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A reflection of the state of Taiwan in its arts By Paul Lin 林保華 Wednesday, Dec 10, 2008, Page 8

 It has been an eventful autumn for Taiwan. In addition to concerns over the economy and deteriorating living standards, it is worrying to see that aspects of Taiwanese consciousness are being washed away.

Because of this, the awakening of Taiwanese culture seems to be filling in the gap left by the disappearance of the political manifestation of Taiwanese consciousness.

The films Cape No. 7 (海角七號) and 1895 have been successes not only because they were produced locally, but because the movies are products of Taiwanese culture.

The Chinese government’s abrupt decision not to allow Cape No. 7 to be screened in China reveals the hypocrisy of statements made by Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin (陳雲林), because it shows the desire to keep the Chinese public from getting to know Taiwanese culture and history.

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More groups must join ‘Ing’ as she faces ‘Ying’

By Paul Lin 林保華

Sunday, Nov 23, 2008, Page 8

Although Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin (陳雲林) has left Taiwan, the tension between the government and the opposition remains. Not only are there wounds that need healing, but Taiwan must also continue to move forward.

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Taiwanese should not fight among themselves

Paul Lin

Taipei Times

Wednesday, Nov 19, 2008, Page 8

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Just take a look at what happened to Hong Kong

By Paul Lin 林保華

Thursday, Oct 30, 2008, Page 8

While the upcoming visit of China’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin (陳雲林) for the second round of talks with Straits Exchange Foundation Chairman Chiang Pin-kung (江丙坤) may seem focused on economic issues, we must remember that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a political creature and that the talks will have undertones that will be aimed at damaging Taiwan’s sovereignty.

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Ma should take a good look at the CCP’s past

By Paul Lin 林保華

Sunday, Oct 26, 2008, Page 8
President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) said in a recent interview with the Indian quarterly India and Global Affairs that there was no timetable to achieve mutual military trust or sign a peace agreement between Taiwan and China, but added that he would make every effort to realize these goals during his presidency.

This was the first time that Ma had broached the subject of a peace agreement with China to an international audience since his inauguration. A series of government measures favorable to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and proposed by Ma were aimed at paving the road for such an accord, I believe.

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China must compensate for dairy scandal

By Paul Lin 林保華

Monday, Oct 06, 2008, Page 8
Two groups of people have suffered as a result of melamine-tainted Chinese milk powder — those who consumed the milk and other related products and employees and business owners of related industries.

The first group includes those who have suffered physical harm. The second group consists of owners and employees of firms that purchased contaminated powder for use in their products and then had to take them off the shelves. These businesses have incurred financial losses and the scandal has tarnished their reputations. There are also other manufacturers whose products do not contain tainted milk but who have still suffered because many consumers remain afraid of buying dairy products.

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Time for an alliance in North Pacific

By Paul Lin 林保華

Saturday, Mar 15, 2003,Page 8
As war in the Persian Gulf looms large, North Korea has rapidly escalated its provocations of the US in order to lend a hand to fellow axis-of-evil nation Iraq and also extort more concessions from the US.

Part and parcel of this has been a re-enactment over the Sea of Japan of the April 2001 incident in which a Chinese J-8 fighter challenged a US EP-3 surveillance plane. The difference was that North Korea used four Soviet-made MiG-19 fighters. Learning from China's experience, they kept a slightly greater distance from the "enemy" to avoid a collision. But since they succeeded in "locking on" to the US plane, the sense of alarm on the US side isn't hard to imagine.

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      China plays the hypocrite, again       Taipei Times    011010     
            By Paul Lin 林保華
            Following the Sept. 11 attacks, apart from trying every
possible means to distance itself from the terrorists, Beijing has
also adopted anti-terrorist slogans, slapping the label of

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US slowly wakes up to China threat
By Paul Lin 林保華

Tuesday, May 15th, 2001
Taipei Times

It was truly ironic that the US lost its seat in the UN High Commission for Human Rights, while nations with poor human rights records such as Libya and Sudan were elected members. Losing such an important seat is very embarrassing for a great, powerful nation which regards human rights as a cornerstone of its existence and a central principle in its diplomacy. No wonder autocratic countries like China and Cuba took the opportunity to scoff at the US.

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David Wu's firm stance riles China        Taipei Times  010417
By Paul Lin 林保華


US Representative David Wu (吳振偉), of Oregon, wraps up a visit to his native Taiwan today. He wanted to visit Hong Kong, Shanghai and Suzhou too, but the Beijing authorities have refused to allow him in because they believe he has been unfriendly to them during his two terms as a representative.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice have not been friendly either, but China has eagerly invited them to visit Beijing in the hope they might change their minds after having a good stay, some good meals and some good fun. Jesse Helms, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has repeatedly declined Beijing's invitations to visit. Helms, who is known for his anti-communist stance, believes he does not have to visit Beijing in order to understand China.

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Taiwan also worthy of a referendum         990906 Taipei Times
Paul Lin


Overall, the referendum held in East Timor on Aug. 30 deciding the territory's future (a choice between independence or autonomy within Indonesia) went smoothly. Consistent with the general expectations, the referendum proved to be a victory for the pro-independence faction. However, even if East Timor now declares independence, the pro-unification groups will continue to use all means available, including violence, to disrupt the realization of independence. And even after it overcomes all these roadblocks to independence, East Timor, hardly well-endowed with natural resources, has a long way to go in development. In any event, the free expression of the popular will through a peacefully conducted referendum is in itself highly significant and encouraging.

East Timor is a former colony of Portugal. However, Portugal was forced to withdraw from East Timor in 1974 due to political unrest at home. A power vacuum was therefore created in East Timor. The democratic republic hastily established in East Timor at the time was less than stable. Indonesia seized the opportunity and invaded East Timor in 1975, then annexed it the following year.

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